Technical & Sales

How to Use an Impedance Meter (IMP-ZM-22)

This course is a guide on how to check speaker lines for faults before terminating them to the amplifiers.
This is a very essential and critical exercise.
No speaker line must ever be connected to any amp without it being checked for any faults.
If an amp is damaged due to faulty speaker lines - the warranty of the amp will be forfeited.

This course is available for 30 days after enrollment.

Please plan accordingly before starting this course, as the countdown starts immediately upon enrollment.
  • How to use a TOA ZM-104A.pdf
  • The Basics - The use of the Impedance Meter and how to Detect[...].pptx
  • Youtube Tutorial on how to use an Impedance Meter (ZM-104A)
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed